Our team is made up of highly qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists. We believe psychiatric services need to be Patient responsive and be more than just prescribing of medication. A good treatment plan has to be based on bio-psycho-social model which should cover psychological needs but focus also on physical diseases.
DepressionAnxietyObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)SchizophreniaBipolar Affective DisorderPersonality DisordersSubstance Abuse (Alcohol, smoking, drugs)DementiaLearning DisabilitiesHead InjuriesChildhood Psychiatric Disorders
IQ AssessmentPsycho-educational AssessmentNeuropsychological AssessmentsCognitive AssessmentsAssessment for ADHD & Other Diagnostic AssessmentsBio Feed Back / JPMRAcceptance & Commitment Therapy or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy